historic step中文什么意思

发音:   用"historic step"造句
  • historic:    adj. 1.历史上有名的,有历史意 ...
  • step:    vi. (-pp-) 1.走;跨步。 ...
  • in step:    步调一致地;合拍; 步伐一致; 齐步 ...
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  1. The progress of paediatris made a historic step in the course of chinese traditional medicine
  2. So , as you take these historic steps , fighting privatisation , know that we all feel a part of your campaign
  3. The success represented a historic step of great significance in china ' s mission of scaling the heights in science and technology
  4. Next weekend the present crop of european union leaders will gather in berlin ( because germany holds the rotating eu presidency ) to mark the 50th anniversary of this historic step towards european integration
    下周,现任欧盟国家领导人将云集柏林(因为德国是欧盟轮值主席国) ,庆祝迈向欧洲融合的这一历史性时刻诞生50周年。
  5. To take that historic step , the palestinian leader , mr abbas , would need the protection of nearby arabs in the region : egypt , jordan and particularly the saudis , who have emerged as the region ' s busiest power - broker


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